Posted by: Rudolph Cini | 9 May 2009

New MEP2009 website

Today a new website presenting the PN’s team of MEP candidates at was launched by the Prime Minister. You may wish to visit the site and comment on my latest blog post, ask me a question, or make a suggestion. This is YOUR chance to voice your opinion and make the RIGHT choices on the 6th June.


  1. jekk joghbok tini dik il-website fejn l-ewro parllamentari laburisti vvotaw hazin

  2. Hello
    I would like to know your policy on divorce and on software patents so that I can know whether to vote for you or not..

    for details on why software patents are bad.

  3. Thank you for your queries. I’ll answer briefly to both. Regarding divorce, I sincerely believe that we need to have a national open discussion on this issue. We need to take measures to strengthen the role of our families. Divorce is definitely not the ideal solution and if I had to make a decision under present circumstances I would definitely vote against. Regarding software patents, all one has to do is look at the sorry situation in the USA, where for some time software patents have been relatively easy to procure, to see that that’s not the way to go. I am not against commercial and proprietary software, but I am definitely in favour of open software, and software patents would spell the end of open software.

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