Guest book

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  1. Rudolph,
    I wish you the best of luck for next year.

    • Thanks Rudolph,
      Last saturday was great!We all could enjoy ourselves,and got to meet others.Hope everybody who was there remember to give you no 1on the 6th june.Good luck and god bless !

  2. Sincere wishes Rudolph.

  3. Hi Rudolph
    keep it up and good luck

  4. Good luck, and keep up th good work.

  5. Keep up the excellent work….as usual it shows you are working with your heart and soul for something you truly believe in.
    Good Luck!!

  6. hi Rudolph, nice website .. keep up the good work!!
    Wish you the best .. Good Luck …

  7. Wish you the best and thanks for everything.
    Speak to you soon.

  8. Prosit Rudolph,
    bicca xoghol tajba, din t-tip ta’ media tista tghinek hafna nawguralek bil-quddiem.
    Prosit cu

  9. Good luck Rudolph!

    …and keep up the good work you’ve done throughout the years.


  10. All the best Rudolph,
    Keep up the good work,Malta needs someone like you !!!

  11. It is good to see such enthusiasm for the elections of the people’s representative at the EU Parliament! The fact that Mr. Cini’s core competency is based on a healthy society means that we can rest assured that our voices will carry a strong message about health and the competitive edge which this can bring. A Healthy Nations denotes a Healthy Society!

  12. Rudolph, as MUMN president you brought the nurse on the agenda, we need MEP`s as you, who recognize and not ignore or decieve with the challenges such as immigration that Malta is facing.

  13. all the best keep it up

  14. Keep up the good work Rudi

  15. nawguralek rudolf , imma xtaqt nghidlek biex intom tkunu ta` vuci ghal minn ma ghandux . hawn hafna nies li ghandom hafna ugieh u nahseb li dak li gara 5 snin ilhu sa jerga jiegri u naf x` qed nghid, imma minn qalbi nerga nawguralek

  16. We need to believe in those MEP Candidates who represent a Party that has always believed in EU membership; a Party that brought us the quality of life we ALL live today; a Party that looks to the future and does not dwell in the past; a Party that unites us all as Maltese! I believe you can be one of the representative MEPs from that Party if everyone looked at the National Good we have enjoyed over the past 21 years!

  17. We want the best, you deserve the best !
    Keep up the good work.

  18. Keep up the good work, Ru! You’ve got my full support. Jo.

  19. We need committed politicians with a conscience – Rudolph, our country needs people like you

  20. Prosit tad-diskors ta’ dalghodu.

  21. I

    Rudolph’s sensibility

    I have always believed that people who closely associate themselves in their daily lives with some sort of social activity are perhaps more receptive than most of other people’s feelings and needs. Those people are better inclined to perceive a problem even before this comes out specifically because of their capability to read and interpret intra-personal situations.

    I have known Rudolph Cini for the past thirty years and I have always acknowledged his most valid contribution in the health sector. I can therefore safely state that the close contact Rudolph has managed to maintain with sick patients and with persons in need has enriched the man with high-degree qualities of humanity in the same way that befell other persons who have served in the health sector along the years.

    We have grown accustomed to public statements by people who are the receivers of kindness and compassion during their hospital days and who feel it their duty to proclaim the appreciation and gratitude they feel towards hospital staff through letters in the press and verbal pronouncements during television and radio phone-ins. This attitude is most understandable because the people who provide the caring have an opportunity to enter into a direct experience with persons receiving treatment and are therefore well-poised to access the aches and pains of the people whose care is entrusted to them. The public proclamation is also clearly understood because, in the patients’ perception, the people providing care also supply the patients with the refuge the latter so greatly need. In brief, the care-provider acquires the patients’ trust, while patients place their faith in nobody else other than those in whose hands their future days lie. Such is the feeling between a person in search of his health and a person who has been trained to restore health. A fabulous “rapport” indeed.

    I must say that Rudolph fits beautifully within that perspective. My personal acquaintance of the man allows me to affirm that Rudolph definitely figures among the people who are best-suited to decipher a social problem, and also among the best-prepared to take that problem by the horns as circumstances permit. And because I know Rudolph so well, I can unhesitatingly state that here is a man who, through his words and deeds, has a lot of teaching to impart.

    Richard Scicluna

  22. Good luck for the June Election

  23. Hi Rudolph – Keep up the good work, Malta needs
    people like you!! Good luck for the June election!!

  24. Backing you all the way.

    Good work!

    Good luck!

    you are an insparatation!

    Jeanette Critien

  25. Prosit tad-diskors ta’ dalghodu taht it-tinda fil-Fgura quddiem l-ikbar folla li qatt attendiet. Kuragg ghal li gej !

  26. prosit ta diskors tal bierah u kuragg

  27. It takes a lot of commitment for this kind of work. Good luck!

  28. I wish you all the luck on the 6th June and I promise you my support.

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